
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

And all the fruits again will fill the garden


So radish pods look like a pea, taste like a mild radish, kinda spicy and oh so fresh

Happy Garlic Bed

Might be my favorite lil section of a bed. Eggplant (with pretty purple flowers!) Basil with purple bellies and baby red runner beans. The beans are like little soldiers all in a row.

Squash Blossoms <3
And of course the newly-rewilded jungle country cat

Baby Bella with Garlic Scapes

A well-balanced dinner fresh from the garden. I purchased Baby Bella mushrooms and fresh bulk tofu at Honest Weight Co-Op in Albany, NY. My harvest this late afternoon was a few garlic scapes, fresh herbs PARSLEY no sage ROSEMARY AND THYME...and chives.

I then sliced the fresh fresh tofu into thin thin slices and fried them in yummy coconut oil on a well-seasoned cast iron skillet.

Next, I added the washed cutie bellas to two cups water, twigs of fresh rosemary and thyme, some Himalayan Sea Salt (some of it is pink, love it) and cracked peppercorns and one scape for flavor. Boil em up til they're done then drain.

Sauteed the scapes in extra virgin olive oil. The leftover oil made the perfect finishing touch when poured on the mushrooms.

Garnished with parsley (helps that garlic breath...) and a lovely dinner twas.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

when things happen on the internet

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

do it

Sometimes this is all you need.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011